SER Player: AppImage script for Qt project

I want to share the script that I am now using to create AppImages for my Qt C++ project ‘SER Player’. This script was developed with and original recipe and lots of help from Simon.

This script is now working very well, generating a 64-bit or 32-bit AppImage depending on which version of Linux is running. It should be very simple to modify the script for other Qt C++ projects so it could be used as a starting point for others which is one reason that I am posting this.

Another reason for posting is others might be able to suggest fixes and improvements.

The ‘SER Player’ project is here:

To produce an AppImage from the project,the following should be entered at the command line:

cd ser-player qmake CONFIG+=release
make cd linux_appimage
$ ./

This will generate an AppImage in the linux_appimage directory.

This is the current script:


    echo "Copying libs for binary $1 to $2"

    libs=$(ldd $1)

    mapfile -t lib <<< "$libs"
    for lib in "${lib[@]}"
        #echo "lib: ${lib}"
        a=( $lib )
        if ((count > 3)); then
            cp -n ${a[2]} $2
            sub_libs=$(ldd ${a[2]})
            mapfile -t sub_lib <<< "$sub_libs"
            for lib2 in "${sub_lib[@]}"
                #echo "    lib2: ${lib2}"
                a2=( $lib2 )
                if ((count2 > 3)); then
                    cp -n ${a2[2]} $2

# Run the script to set details of the Qt installation and the architecture
# This script is generated by qmake and sets the $QT_INSTALL_DIR and $SYS_ARCH variables.
this_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
source $this_dir/

# Create temp directory to work in when creating the AppImage
rm -rf temp
mkdir temp
cd temp

# Checkout and build AppImageKit
git clone

# Get the AppImage script functions file
wget -q -O ./
. ./

# Create the AppImage directory structure
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/bin
#mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/libs
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/platforms
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/plugins/imageformats
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/applications
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
mkdir -p ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/mime/packages

# Copy ser-player executable file into place and strip it
cp ../../bin/ser-player ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/
strip -s ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/ser-player
chmod 0755 ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/ser-player
chrpath -d ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/ser-player

# Copy shell script and wrapper files
cp ../files/ser-player ser-player.AppDir/usr/bin/
cp ../files/ser-player.wrapper ser-player.AppDir/usr/bin/

# Copy files in share directories
cp ../files/share/ser-player.desktop ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/applications/
cp ../files/ser-player.png ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/
cp ../files/share/ser-player.xml ser-player.AppDir/usr/share/mime/packages/

# Copy file into top level of AppDir
cp ./AppImageKit/AppRun ser-player.AppDir/
cp ../files/ser-player.desktop ser-player.AppDir/
cp ../files/ser-player.png ser-player.AppDir/

# Copy Qt platform plugin to AppDir
cp ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.* ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/platforms/

# Copy other Qt plugins to AppDir
cp ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.* ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/plugins/imageformats/
cp ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/imageformats/libqtiff.* ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/ser-player/plugins/imageformats/

# Copy all required libs to AppDir
copy_libs_for_binary ../../bin/ser-player ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/
copy_libs_for_binary ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/platforms/ ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/
copy_libs_for_binary ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/imageformats/ ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/
copy_libs_for_binary ${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/imageformats/ ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/

# Remove excluded libraries
cd ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/
cd ../../..

# Strip all libs and change permissions
strip -s ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/lib*
chmod 0644 ser-player.AppDir/usr/lib/lib*

# Get the glibc version required using the glibc_need() function from the AppImageKit 
cd ser-player.AppDir
cd ..

#wget -c "" # (64-bit)

./AppImageKit/AppImageAssistant ./ser-player.AppDir/ ../ser-player-x.x.x-glibc${GLIBC_NEEDED}-${SYS_ARCH}.AppImage

cd ..


thanks @cgarry!
i was searching for something something similar

Thank you Chris.
Hoping someone will do the same with gtk :wink:

Thanks Chris.

Some Qt-based app projects on GitHub use Travis CI for continuous builds (for testing), and I have written a script that allows them to bundle and upload the build artefacts as an AppImage on each build: Here.


I wish I had spotted those scripts before I wrote mine, they are a much better starting point than the .deb conversion script I used! Still, I think it has been a good learning experience for me to work through everything from scratch as it were.

A couple of things I noticed about these scripts when I quickly looked at them, at least the two I looked at:

  • These scripts seems to have the Qt plugins version and path hard coded.
  • They seem to be 64-bit only.

But thanks for pointing them out, I plan to update my script based on these scripts in order to tidy it up and make it look more presentable.


Hi Chris,

thanks for having a go at improving these scripts - possibly we can make a generic version together that can be used by 3rd party projects to easily generate AppImages from Qt based Travis CI builds they are already doing. I have noticed that especially Qt based app projects seem to be interested in AppImage, as often they are interested in building one app for all 3 major operating systems.

So, i’m very interested in what you can make from these – especially the Qt version and plugins is something I wanted to do in a more generic way but didn’t figure out yet.


Yes, I think a generic script for Qt projects would be of great interest to Qt users who choose Qt so they could support Linux, Windows and OS X.

I have just released v1.6.0 of SER Player with AppImages provided for the Linux versions. I am pleased that Linux support is no longer restricted to Debian based distributions.


Hi Chris, on the SER Player homepage it still says “SER Player is an open source application with pre-built versions available for Windows, OS X and Debian Linux (Download links below).” I think the “Debian” can be removed now :slight_smile:

Good catch thanks, page updated!

I m using linuxdeployqt now :

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