WebCatalog-43.4.1-arm6.AppImage will not install on Raspberry Pi 4

I downloaded the latest version of WebCatalog for Raspberry Pi 4. (WebCatalog-43.4.1-arm64.AppImage). After making it executable, and double-clicking it, nothing happens in RPi4. There is a short pause, but that’s it.

Would appreciate any guidance on this matter. I tried contacting WebCatalog but they have not responded to my email at all :frowning:

Thank you.

Hi, you might need the fuse package.

Open a command prompt (or terminal emulator) and run sudo apt install fuse

You can also try to open the app from the command prompt and see if there are any errors displayed.

There is nothing to “install”.

Please run your AppImage from the command line and watch the output.

Do you have an AppImage for the correct architecture?