Hi, I’m Phil ; I’ve been using AppImages for years now (mainly in Debian stable) specially in the music app sphere, where bleding edge apps are seldom packaged, a good example being QTractor, my sequencer of choice.
I tried a lot of other “self-contained linux executable” formats, namely snap and flatpak, but none worked for me, AppImage does.
Now ; I’m on this machine (that happens to be a raspberry pi 4, but it’s not really the point, more later) and I can’t get AppImage to work :
chmod +x my.AppImage
bash : ./my.AppImage: No such file or directory
So I’d like to take this from the start :
- How do I check for AppImage Capabilities on a given Distro ?
- Is there a list of very simple (like not subsurface or some huge framework) apps in AppImage format for testing?
Ideally, I’d love a command / script that would output :
Yes, this OS can run AppImages in this format : aarch64 GNU/Linux
or No, this OS cannot run AppImages because those libs are missing : x, y, etc.
Is this possible?