Hi. I downloaded the AppImage. I´m using Debian 9. Everything Ok when connecting to non-secure servers but when I try to connect to another server via https I get this message:
"error creating ssl context (error:140A90C4:SSL routines:func(169):reason(196))"
Can you please give me some help on this issue?
Same issue here running Debian testing. It is only a workaround, but you can use the 2.3.2 beta which works great: https://download.nextcloud.com/desktop/prereleases/Linux/
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I just submitted a bug report about it: https://github.com/nextcloud/client_theming/issues/203
Thanks, Ivan, for your help.
This is caused by Debian now playing nice with the naming of the libraries.
I fixed it in the 2.3.3 final build. Which should be released this week.
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Thanks @rullzer! And double thanks for checking by here.