Big news, QQ for linux has released appimage version

QQ is an IM software for chinese mainly, it has 1 billion users and 100 million daily active users.
Its first Linux version was released at 2009, then it was stoped. At 2019 and 2020 it released 2.0 beta1 and 2.0 beta2, but its tech route is so old (by gtk2),then it was stoped again. So in fact, QQ for linux has only released three version between about 10 years.

Today, QQ has released 2.0.1 stable, it is based on electron, similar with macqq,and they will support x64/arm64/loongarch64 arch.

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Thanks for letting us know @shouhuanxiaoji. Happy to see that AppImage is used around the world.

Unfortunately it still has no English user interface, so it is still hard for non-Chinese speakers to use it to communicate. Or is there an International version of qq-v2?