I have been trying to create an appimage for wings3d 2.2.4 x64.
I have made one on mx-18, and got it to work on mx-19 and bionicpup, but it wont work on mint, xubuntu-18.04.
I made it on mint-18, but it wont work on mint-19.2, xubuntu-18.04 or mx-18–19.
I made it on xubuntu-18-04 only woks on xubuntu-18.04.
I am not a dev of wings3d.
the dev has no time to create another package type, so i’m trying.
wings3d is based on erlang
I have no programming experience. I downloaded the deb files and dependencies and used the extracted bzip.run file to create the appdir with pkg2appdir.
some of my problems making this cross os seem to be due to erlang-wx.
WX Failed loading “wxe_driver”@"/tmp/.mount_wings3MjbwJT/lib/wx-1.8.7/priv"
can someone with experience making appimages give this a try, or help me figuring this out?
like i said i have no coding experience, i cant even figure out how to get stuff from the repos using yml.
this appimage creation process is a real eye opener for me.I think i have reach the limits of my understanding, but will try to learn more.
Now I need to figure out how to make it execute from the desktop file.
can not figure out how to make locations relative.
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=A 3D Subdivision Modeler
Comment=A 3D modeler that is both powerful and easy to use
GenericName[en]=A 3D Subdivision Modeler
Comment[en]=A 3D modeler that is both powerful and easy to use