I’m trying to create an AppImage from a Python3 application using a YAML file. But I find it extremely hard to understand how to turn this into an AppImage. The documentation is somehow missing what I’m looking for:
- I create an AppImage from source, but I would like to avoid creating an AppDir manually.
- We have a Python package on PyPI, and we can install the development version from GitHub using
- The Automated continuous builds on Travis CI sounds a bit like, “if you use Travis but don’t know what you’re doing” – what kind of magic does this do? I want to have control!
- I found an example YAML (orschiro/dslli), which was supported/co-created by you, @probono, obviously. But no Travis configuration or documentation on which command(s) to use to turn that into an AppImage in their project README either.
- Finally, I found the Wiki, which points to the
script, and I’m tempted to download it and give it a try. But I’m not really sure what it does (seems to be a lot of sed magic, wget, and stuff).
Is that really it? Why does it all seem so complicated? (… when you don’t do Electron, obviously)
P.S.: Please understand this as some feedback from someone jumping into the AppImage topic; and please notice that I’m not really a programming and packaging novice.
Here’s my YAML:
app: PythonTurtle
# there is no python3-wxgtk4.0 on Trusty -> we must use Bionic
dist: bionic
- deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main universe
- python3-minimal
- python3-pip
- python3-wxgtk4.0
- python3 -m pip install --no-binary=PythonTurtle git+https://github.com/cool-RR/PythonTurtle
- cat > /usr/share/applications/PythonTurtle.desktop <<EOF
- [Desktop Entry]
- Version=1.0
- Type=Application
- Terminal=false
- Name=Python Turtle
- Exec=PythonTurtle %u
- Icon=/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/PythonTurtle/resources/turtle.png
- Comment=Learning environment for Python
- Categories=Education;