AppImageUpdate – AppImageHub

AppImageUpdate updates AppImages based on the update information embedded in AppImages.

Authors: AppImage

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“The AppImageUpdate AppImage also can be updated using AppImageUpdate. Using this tool, …”
I’m guessing maybe this should have been “updated using AppImageUpdateTool”??? I downloaded an appimageupdatetool_x86-64 at Thinking it might be what updates the AppImagerUpdater, but the webpage doesn’t mention the “tool” just updating AppImageUpdater with AppImageUpdater without further comment, which makes this existence of the “tool” seem weird. Then I went looking around the Github page, but I have no idea how or where to suggest this edit. the space for an edit seems to be a recursive link back to the page itself, so that makes it difficult to edit! IDK, maybe you want to get rid of the “tool” as no longer needed?, maybe it was a mistake for me to fetch it? It’s difficult enough to make a comment about!