Apm - AppImage package manager

Hi everyone,
I like AppImage, because I like a thought, that apps is running on every distro, without installing libraries and more packages. But I think it would be better to just type (something) install appname into the terminal than to search for it on the internet. So I decided to create a Python script that can simply install, uninstall, and search for a new AppImage (in file appimages.json, not all the appimages are there, of course, but there are a few) simply through the terminal. What do you think about it?
Link: GitHub - vikdevelop/apm: AppImage package manager - simple installation, uninstallation and findation AppImages on Linux.

You could add your app to list there: GitHub - AppImage/appimage.github.io: Given an URL to an AppImage, AppImageHub inspects the AppImage and puts it into a community-maintained catalog.

This is not the only package manager for AppImage :slight_smile:

Anyway, I don’t think creating another standalone package manager.

Creating plugin to popular software center (like discovery from KDE, gnome-software or App Center used by elementary/Pop Os) would gather bigger audience than this kind of app.

I think you could check this thread: Thoughts on an infrastructure for distributing Linux application bundles

Hello @vikdevelop, thanks for your interest in AppImage. First of all, please understand that the AppImage format was explicitly designed not to need any package managers or similar tools.

This being said, there are already no less than 8 existing package managers made by different people for AppImage.

Hence I agree with @pktiuk, making a plugin for one of the software centers is probably more useful. Even though I never use software centers because they tend to give me no flexibility. I want to put my downloaded AppImages wherever I want (not all in the same location), and I want to decide how many versions of applications I keep, etc. - software centers normally don’t give me this kind of flexibility. I liked how you “managed” applications on the Mac since 1984: by drag-and-drop in the file manager.