I see your point (and yes, I was aware of your recommendation against the tarball). I’ll see if I can come up with a better solution in the future, but after spending already more time on the whole project than initially planned, I just wanted to have it out the door and be done with it :-). But having the manual open from within the game sounds like a good idea and would remove the need for the tarball.
Ubuntu 14.04, as that’s what I head readily available. I then tested with a SuSE 10.2 live image in Virtualbox and also a fairly pristine installation of Ubuntu 16.04.
What I’d actually would love to have is something similar to this:
I did not sink enough time into the matter to see if such a Python distribution could be compiled for something other than Windows, and what steps it would take. Haven’t compiled my own Python since version 2.4.
As for size, I agree that it does not really matter these days, but then I do think that we’re way to careless with the computing resources available. So simply including a whole lot of Python-related stuff that is not strictly required makes me itchy :-).
[quote=“probono, post:2, topic:72, full:true”]Also have a look at the next generation which I have posted about here.
I like the idea of embedding a signature in the AppImage itself. Need to give that a try when I have a bit of time!